Email Setup & Support
How to configure common Email Clients: (select client below)
Common Email Parameters:
- Incoming Mail Server: mail.dmcibb.net
- Outgoing Mail Server: mail.dmcibb.net
- User Name/Account Name: username@dmcibb.net (FULL Email Address)
- My Outgoing Server requires Authentication: MUST BE SELECTED
- Do NOT select "Log on using Secure Password Authentication"
Common Email Port Settings:
- Outgoing Mail
- Standard SMTP: 25 or 587
- SMTPS (SMTP over TLS/SSL): 465
- Incoming Mail POP
- POP3: 110
- POP3S (POP3 over TLS/SSL): 995
- Incoming Mail IMAP
- IMAP: 143
- IMAPS (IMAP over TLS/SSL): 993